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Employee Surveys

Employee Satisfaction or Climate Surveys

Employee surveys are conducted to identify what the organization can do to increase productivity and reduce unwanted turnover.

It is estimated that the cost of replacing one employee is anywhere from one-third to three times their annual salary: one-third at the lowest paid level and three times at the executive level. This includes many factors such as the time and productivity lost by the employee as he or she becomes disenchanted, the time spent in discussing the situation by co-workers, managers and human resource staff. All this is before the time and energy spent to recruit, interview, select and train a new person and perhaps to go through outplacement of the disenchanted employee.

A successful survey process includes:

  • A strong partnership between the consultant and the client organization from the beginning, from designing of the survey to the presentation of results and recommendations
  • A representative group of people in the client organization to work with the consultant to ensure that the survey is on target for design, content and language
  • Clearly outlined expectations on how the survey data is to be analyzed and reported
  • An effective manner of distributing the surveys (by paper or electronically) and receiving the data in a confidential manner
  • Well organized reports that highlight the most important results and provide recommendations for follow-up with the employees
  • Results and recommendations that are provided back to the employees in a timely manner

With the experience of conducting many employee surveys, Sayer & Associates can provide the direction, support and analysis needed to make the survey a success in both the eyes of the management and of the employees. Our clients have reported that their employees increase their participation in change efforts and in work motivation when they know they are being heard and included in corporate plans.

Corporate Culture and Values Surveys

The organization has established the type of culture it wants – the type of values that they want the employees to embrace in their work. But is it happening? And, if not, why not? This type of survey can be an important gauge of progress against goals in changing a corporate culture. However, it is essential that the survey be written to evaluate the actual behaviours that would be in evidence if the values were in place, not simply to ask for opinions. It’s a tough challenge in terms of survey work but very worthwhile for organizations that are serious about change.

A successful survey process would include many of the factors included under Employee Satisfaction Surveys but may also include:

  • Structured interviews with Executive and/or management level staff
  • Focus Groups to discuss survey results and provide additional qualitative input
  • Consultations with Senior Management to discuss the major results, prior to writing a final report and recommendations

Exit Interviews and Surveys

Recent research has shown that "personal reasons" were given as the reasons for leaving a job by 80% of employees interviewed by their company. This number dropped to 20% when the exiting employees were surveyed with confidentiality. Finding out why employees – especially high performers –leave is important in addressing immediate or short-term issues, such as difficult managers or poor project management. There are many positive and negative reasons for job change, and varying insight into the reasons. Employers need to be attuned to this in order to create strategies for retaining solid, high performing staff.

Sayer & Associates provides:

  • Research and counselling background to provide professional and confidential polling of employees who leave
  • Monthly or quarterly (the amount of turnover affects confidentiality) reports with metrics that include turnover data from corporate and individual perspectives
  • Cumulative reports to build an ongoing picture of trends or issues in turnover
  • Reports created to link to corporate strategies and measures


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