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Sayer & Associates moves to Vancouver

After 24 years of practice based in Toronto, Dr. Sayer is following a dream to live near the ocean. Contracts and consulting projects for our company have become more national and international in nature and the survey and assessment practice has become more internet friendly. Two years of cross-country speaking engagements and consulting has convinced us that we can continue to put together high quality and professional virtual teams without needing to actually live in the same city with colleagues or clients. And a special bonus is the opportunity to teach at the UBC Sauder School of Management.

Leadership and Generational Influences

It's true - the current workforce is struggling with integrating the very different styles of work exhibited by Boomers, X and Y generations. And look out because the Millenials are at the door and have a style all their own. Sayer & Associates collected very interesting data on this situation on the latest cross-country workshop tour for CWC - Canadian Women in Communications - an impressive organization of high quality women and men in the media and communications industry. This fall, the research focus will be on the Y generation (20 somethings) as they present the greatest challenge to organizations in terms of attraction and retention. Stay tuned for excerpts from the data to date and what managers and companies are doing to understand and work with this new and very important part of our society.

Staffing - Attraction, Selection and Retention

Sayer & Associates has made this area a strong focus in the last few years. We have been inspired by the advances made in many large North American organization and have been fortunate enough to find two singularly impressive and cutting edge assessment tools. We've delivered effective and cost efficient remedies for some challenging staffing and succession planning issues. Call us for more information at (604)873-4950.



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